We are excited to welcome our two new team members Artem and Cameron to our Edinburgh office. Here they both tell us a little bit about themselves and what influences them in their designs.
Artem recently graduated from the University of Edinburgh with a Part 1 Architecture degree. Having previously been involved in small-scale residential projects while working in London, Artem has brought his skills of model making, initial concept designs and visualisations to our studio in Edinburgh. Artem’s inspiration follows from the relationship between the digital and the physical and how this changes the way humans interact in their surroundings.
“My last Part 1 project involved designing a market to be located in the Fountainbridge area of Edinburgh. I combined my skills in digital modelling, material research and analysis of the relationship between the food and the city to create a proposal consisting of a transformable canopy suspended in a system of cranes and cables. The form of the canopy responds to internal arrangements of stalls and respective products on sale, as well as accommodating supporting facilities and public space. The canopy is able to redirect air flow to resolve conflicts between stall owners and in addition to this, the canopy is used to display products, providing additional usable surface and creating a more intrinsic relationship between the architecture and the processes taking place within the market.”

Cameron has joined Kettle Collective as part of his year in industry whilst studying for his Part I Architecture degree at Edinburgh University. He gained valuable experience in London writing articles on a range of architectural and design based projects. Cameron’s interest in Architecture stems from the connection between architectural designer and the end user.
“My most recent project at University I explored generative design. Initially the project was focused on smoking areas and a particular interest stemmed from the recesses and alcoves along the edge of streets where smokers tend to gather. The challenges to improving the quality of the space included limitations when covering the areas because, once covered, they become no-smoking by law. I studied how people occupy these ‘liminal spaces’ and designed a system that creates a smokers’ shelter based on how the space is being used. I used my skills in digital modelling and problem solving to create a design which filled the negative space around each smoker, representing the smoke itself. This translated into pieces of chain which create a roof-scape, hanging from the grid above. The structure – generated from plastic panels – is porous enough to allow airflow and legally remains an outdoor space with beneficial elements for the user.

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